Where hunters meet
Söğüt Tarlası-Biris Mezarlığı is a site located about 32 km northwest of Şanlıurfa, just south of the city center of Bozova and consists of a large area formed by low mounds and valleys.
Resarch History
The archaeological sites, registered as Site U 51/1 and 2, was identified during the survey carried out in 1963 by a Turkish-American team, directed by Halet Çambel and Robert J. Braidwood. On one of the mounds an excavation was carried out in 1964 led by dr. Bruce Howe, who highlighted two distinct cultural horizons: one of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B and the other of the Uruk period. With the start of new research at Söğüt Tarlası in 2022 as part of the Taş Tepeler.
Archaeological Research
An intensive survey was carried out on an area of 1200 m2 adjacent to the excavations of the sixties and on a relief of modest height, thus identifying a specific zone with a higher density of archaeological material. Two nearby excavation areas have been opened (fig.1). The 4 identified layers are formed by silty alluvial deposits, alternating with pebble levels (fig. 2). It is very probable that the most consistent archaeological deposit is even deeper. Future research campaigns will explane this aspect. Among the materials brought to light during the new research are two fragments of polished stone pestles with modeled heads, greenstone axes, grooved stone smoothers (fig. 3) and limestone cups. These objects are similar to those in the Neolithic Prepottery levels of Hallan Cemi, Körtik Tepe, Çayönü, Göbekli Tepe and Akarçay Tepe. Grinding and jamb stones also come from Söğüt Tarlası (fig. 4-5), objects identical to those found in the excavations of “Yeni Mahalle Mevkii”, right in the center of Urfa. Among the chipped stone tools, in addition to those attributable to the Neolithic, consisting of points and flint blades, there are various tools and cores of the Paleolithic period. Thus, although research on the site has only just begun, Söğüt Tarlası is a very promising place to understand both the early farming communities and earlier hunter-gatherer groups of the region. Furthermore, the evidences of the most recent prehistory, documented by the excavations of the sixties, represent for this area a significant indication for the relationships, still to be explaned, with southern Mesopotamia during the fourth millennium BCE.

Text: Gian Maria Di Nocera, Photos: Söğüt Tarlası Project Archive
Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Şanlıurfa Archaeology Museum
University of Tuscia
Governorship of Şanlıurfa
Sub-Governorship of Bozova
Bozova Municipality
Tastepeler Visit Information
Visit Information
Summer Period
1 April - 24 October
Working Hours: 08:30-19:00
Winter Period
24 October-1 April
Working Hours: 08:30-19:00
Box Office Summer/Winter Closing Hours
Summer Period: 18:30
Winter Period: 16:30
Closed Days: Open Every Day
Status: Open
Şanlıurfa Archaeology Museum
Haleplibahçe, 2372. Sk. No:74/1,
63200 Eyyübiye/Şanlıurfa
Tel 1: +90 414 313 15 88
Turkish Airlines is the main sponsor of Taş Tepeler.
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